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Shawbury Parish Council

Shropshire, UK

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Parish Clerk:  Jack Wilson
6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP
01743 236810
Vacancy for a Gardener
Required from April 1st. 2017, a qualified and competent self- employed gardener 
to carry out regular hand mowing of children’s play areas; pruning of shrubs at various locations and hedge cutting duties.
Must hold a pesticide users licence.
References required.
Anyone interested is invited to contact the Parish Clerk for full details of what is involved.
Parish Clerk:  Jack Wilson
6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP
01743 236810


Two Council meetings were held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 14th. May. The first was the Annual Parish Meeting which was an open meeting, giving residents a chance to meet local Councillors and discuss topics of interest.  Unfortunately, no residents joined the Councillors to hear reports from Councillor Merv Roberts who chaired the meeting, Shropshire Councillor Simon Jones, P.C. Jack Harper from Wem Police and Mr. Richard Bailey on behalf of Shawbury United Charities.
Councillor Merv Richards gave the report on Council activity over the past year explaining that he had been asked to do this as both the Chairman and Vice Chairman were unable to attend because of health issues. He confirmed that it had been a busy year and outlined many of the important developments that had taken place during the past twelve months He expressed thanks for the support the Council received from many excellent contractors and for the dedicated service of his Council colleagues and others who carry out a host of jobs seen and un-seen, without being paid for their work. This included overseeing the burial ground, the children’s play areas, the Moat and Glebe, the defibrillator, litter picking and much more.                                                                                                                                           
Reporting on Shropshire Council activities, Shropshire Councillor Simon Jones had prepared a very comprehensive written report covering amongst other items - Finance and Resources, Climate Change and the Environment, Transport, Economic Growth, Planning, Adult Social Care, Children and Education and Housing. The Council were facing with increased demand especially for social care and there was a need to review services to remain within the available budget.
P.C. Jack Harper from Wem Police joined the meeting and apologised for not being there at the start as he had been called to deal with an emergency situation. He stated that at Wem the team consisted of him and two PCSO officers and they were responsible for the day to day policing of Wem and all the surrounding villages. They tried to visit Shawbury as often as possible both by car and on foot, pointing out that it is a relatively low crime area although shoplifting seemed to be a concern at present. The team were aware of earlier concerns raised regarding drug use in the Glebe/Moat areas and this was being monitored.                                                                                                        
The final report was from Mr. Richard Bailey who gave an update on the Charities membership and work, pointing out that he was still acting as Chairman as a replacement Vicar had not been appointed. He was pleased to report that two new members had been recruited and reminded the Council that both seats on the Committee allocated to the Council, were held by past Councillors who had served for several years.
Full details of all the reports are included in the minutes of the meeting and a copy can be obtained on request from the Parish Clerk.
The second meeting was the Council’s AGM, when Councillor Paul Sharp was elected as the new Chairman and Councillor Merv Richards as Vice Chairman, replacing Councillors Brian. Lyon and Adrian Brown who had both resigned. Other Members were elected as representatives on various committees and appointed to oversee aspects of Council work.
During the meeting, it was confirmed that the new shed had been ordered for erection on the burial ground, that two members of the public had indicated an interest in the vacant seat on the Council but had yet to officially apply for the post and that a Flag of Peace had been purchased and would be flown from the Church tower on D-Day.
The major item on the agenda was to consider the erection of new fencing around the Playing Field and it was unanimously decided that continuing to replace rotting posts was not a realistic proposition and that a metal one was required. This had been widely publicised as the suggestions for hedging or trees were not an option because the purpose was to prevent unwanted vehicles from accessing the field.  Quotations were then considered and the company selected was Ray Parry Playgrounds Ltd., a company well known to the Council as it carries out maintenance work on the children’s play areas. Subject to approval from the Diocese who own the land, work will start soon and the plan is to erect the new fence inside the current one and remove the existing posts as they rot away.
As usual at all meetings, planning applications and a wide range of correspondence were considered and responded to.
The next meeting is on June 11th. when the Annual Audit documents will be considered Further details and as stated earlier copies of reports can be obtained from the Clerk at or by phoning him on 01743 236810.


Two Council meetings were held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 14th. May. The first was the Annual Parish Meeting which was an open meeting, giving residents a chance to meet local Councillors and discuss topics of interest.  Unfortunately, no residents joined the Councillors to hear reports from Councillor Merv Roberts who chaired the meeting, Shropshire Councillor Simon Jones, P.C. Jack Harper from Wem Police and Mr. Richard Bailey on behalf of Shawbury United Charities.
Councillor Merv Richards gave the report on Council activity over the past year explaining that he had been asked to do this as both the Chairman and Vice Chairman were unable to attend because of health issues. He confirmed that it had been a busy year and outlined many of the important developments that had taken place during the past twelve months He expressed thanks for the support the Council received from many excellent contractors and for the dedicated service of his Council colleagues and others who carry out a host of jobs seen and un-seen, without being paid for their work. This included overseeing the burial ground, the children’s play areas, the Moat and Glebe, the defibrillator, litter picking and much more.                                                                                                                                           
Reporting on Shropshire Council activities, Shropshire Councillor Simon Jones had prepared a very comprehensive written report covering amongst other items - Finance and Resources, Climate Change and the Environment, Transport, Economic Growth, Planning, Adult Social Care, Children and Education and Housing. The Council were facing with increased demand especially for social care and there was a need to review services to remain within the available budget.
P.C. Jack Harper from Wem Police joined the meeting and apologised for not being there at the start as he had been called to deal with an emergency situation. He stated that at Wem the team consisted of him and two PCSO officers and they were responsible for the day to day policing of Wem and all the surrounding villages. They tried to visit Shawbury as often as possible both by car and on foot, pointing out that it is a relatively low crime area although shoplifting seemed to be a concern at present. The team were aware of earlier concerns raised regarding drug use in the Glebe/Moat areas and this was being monitored.                                                                                                        
The final report was from Mr. Richard Bailey who gave an update on the Charities membership and work, pointing out that he was still acting as Chairman as a replacement Vicar had not been appointed. He was pleased to report that two new members had been recruited and reminded the Council that both seats on the Committee allocated to the Council, were held by past Councillors who had served for several years.
Full details of all the reports are included in the minutes of the meeting and a copy can be obtained on request from the Parish Clerk.
The second meeting was the Council’s AGM, when Councillor Paul Sharp was elected as the new Chairman and Councillor Merv Richards as Vice Chairman, replacing Councillors Brian. Lyon and Adrian Brown who had both resigned. Other Members were elected as representatives on various committees and appointed to oversee aspects of Council work.
During the meeting, it was confirmed that the new shed had been ordered for erection on the burial ground, that two members of the public had indicated an interest in the vacant seat on the Council but had yet to officially apply for the post and that a Flag of Peace had been purchased and would be flown from the Church tower on D-Day.
The major item on the agenda was to consider the erection of new fencing around the Playing Field and it was unanimously decided that continuing to replace rotting posts was not a realistic proposition and that a metal one was required. This had been widely publicised as the suggestions for hedging or trees were not an option because the purpose was to prevent unwanted vehicles from accessing the field.  Quotations were then considered and the company selected was Ray Parry Playgrounds Ltd., a company well known to the Council as it carries out maintenance work on the children’s play areas. Subject to approval from the Diocese who own the land, work will start soon and the plan is to erect the new fence inside the current one and remove the existing posts as they rot away.
As usual at all meetings, planning applications and a wide range of correspondence were considered and responded to.
The next meeting is on June 11th. when the Annual Audit documents will be considered Further details and as stated earlier copies of reports can be obtained from the Clerk at or by phoning him on 01743 236810.

APRIL 2024

A quotation has been accepted from Highline Electrics to carry out improvements to the streetlights in Church Street and part of Poynton Road. It is not anticipated that the improvements will cause undue upheaval or inconvenience to residents.

Playing Field Fencing:
Quotations from two very reliable contractors are being considered in detail for the provision of low level metal fencing round the entire length of the playing field. The new fence will be erected between the existing posts and the pathway and the posts will be removed as they rot away, as many have done already. It is planned to be substantial enough to prevent unwanted vehicle access onto the field and is a major project which should last for many years. Further information will be provided when a quote has been accepted

In spite of extensive advertising no applications have been received for co-option onto the Council to fill the vacant seat caused by the resignation of an existing Member. Members are still interested in hearing from anyone who is interested – just contact the Parish Clerk for more details.
Members were delighted to receive news that a donation of £1,000 had been received for the specific purpose of planting new trees at selected sites in the Parish. It has been decided that the best time for planting will be in early autumn when the ground and growing conditions will be more favourable. Grateful thanks have been extended to the donator who has decided to remain anonymous.

A53 – Resurfacing:
The Council has been informed that work will be carried out in early September to resurface the section of the A53 from the roundabout at Aries Drive through to Wytheford Road. Shropshire Council has stated that they cannot adhere to the request from the Parish Council and local businesses for this work to be done overnight because of the increased costs involved. This means that the road will be closed at certain times during the day and further details will be made by Shropshire Council before the work starts.

Church Street:
The road will be closed for a short period at the end of May to allow road markings to be renewed – look out for warning notices.

Shropshire Council:
As well as the information about the A53 and Church Street, Shropshire Councillor Simon Jones outlined the proposal for charging for the collection of garden waste in the green bins - please be sure to respond to the consultation about this proposal.
He also stated that he had made a request for an additional warning sign on the approach to the puffin crossing and was meeting with a Street Team Officer to assess the problem of waste alongside the A53 and other areas.

RAF Shawbury:
Reporting items of interest Flt. Lt. Jones reported that Night Flying would continue until May 9th. and that the following events could create some additional activity:
Land Owners Event – May 23rd, Families Day August 22nd. and Cosford Air Show on June 9th.

March 2024 
At the meeting held on March 12th. the following are some of the items which were considered:                                                                     

Council Vacancy:
As there has been no call for an election the Council has been tasked with co-opting a new member. Advertisements have been placed and it is hoped an appointment will be made at the Council meeting in May.

Community Service Awards:
Members were informed that there had only been two nominations, both of which had to be discounted as one person had already received an award and the other was a serving Councillor. This meant that no awards would be made this year at the Annual Parish Meeting on May 14th.

Each year the Council budgets £1,000.00 to enable it to make small grants to deserving Charities or local organisations. This year Members have selected Shawbury Brownies, Guides and Scouts for the major award with smaller grants given to Hope House, The Hospice, Crane Counselling and Shawbury First Responders.                                                                       

Playing Field Boundary:
After wide consultation, it was decided to seek quotations for the erection of a low metal barrier fence between the current wooden posts and the path which goes around the field and then remove the posts as they become rotten. Suggestions that a hedge or trees should be planted had regretfully been discounted as the main purpose of the fence is to prevent unwanted vehicles from accessing the field.             

Street Lights:
Quotations are being obtained from Highline the Council’s contractors to provide an additional light in Carradine Close and improvements to the lighting on Church Street and Poynton Road. These plans had already been discussed with E.On before their contract with the Council was withdrawn.

Shropshire Council:
Councillor Simon Jones reported that Shropshire Council was on track to balance the 2023/24 budget using some of the reserves it has and has set a balanced budget for 2024-25 by making £62 million of savings. This will lead to noticeable reductions in discretionary spending including the library service and increases in fees, charges, car parking, etc. There will be a charge for collecting green waste of about £52.00 per annum with an opt-out option.

RAF Shawbury
Flt/Lt. Jones gave an interesting report on activities including details of night flying which would commence again on March 25th. and continue until May 9th.  He passed on thanks to the Community for their tolerance of this essential training and stated that full details can be found on the RAF Shawbury webpage. They are also reviewing their list of local contacts to enable more information to be given to vulnerable people or businesses about planned activities which may impact on them. Please let them or the Council know if you want further information.

February 24

A number of topics were considered at the Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on 13th. February, including:

Council Allotment:
It was noted that planning approval had been given for a replacement shed which will be erected in the near future. The shed is replacing the dilapidated one on the site and will be used mainly to house small tools and equipment belonging to the Council, which are currently stored in Councillors’ sheds or garages.

Fun Day
Following a request from the organisers of the event, the Council has agreed to support the resumption of the Annual Fun Day and this will be held on the 1st. June on the newly established Football Ground. Book the date in your diary and further details will be published soon. If you are interested in being involved or would like to help, please let the Parish Clerk know and he will pass on your details to the organisers.

Community Service Awards:
The Council is asking residents to nominate people who have or are giving exceptional service in the Parish. Recipients of the award need to either live or work in the Parish and as well as the standard award there are awards for those under eighteen years of age and a group award. Serving Councillors may not be nominated unless it is for an activity that is not connected to their Council work. Further details can be obtained from the Clerk and nominations should be sent to him before March 31st.

Junior Football:
Some of you may have noticed that junior football games have re-started on the Playing Field and this is because the organisers have currently lost the use of facilities at RAF Shawbury and the new field is not yet fully operational. This will continue until the end of the season and we ask everyone to keep the playing area free from litter and to ensure that any dog faeces are completely removed from the field. We would like to remind every dog owner that it is their legal responsibility to pick up and dispose of their dog’s waste. Thankfully responsible dog owners already do this.

Mr. Christopher Kirkup has resigned from the Council for personal reasons which means there is now a vacancy for a replacement Councillor. The National Regulations have to be followed and the first step is to see if at least ten electors ask for an election to be held. If this does not happen the Council will need to advertise the vacancy and then co-opt someone.

The Fence round the Field
This has been mentioned before and Members are still wrestling with the best way to deal with the problem. They are grateful for the responses received from residents but the main purpose of the fence is to prevent unwanted vehicles accessing the field. This means that planting a hedge or a number or trees does not meet the criteria and solve the problem. A range of options are being looked at with advice being sought from several suppliers. In the meantime Councillor Paul Sharp has agreed to oversee the replacement of the current posts which are rotting away. If on your travels you have seen an acceptable solution – please let us know.

Street Lights:
Prior to the outbreak of COVID and the subsequent breakdown of relations with E.ON, quotes had been received from them for an additional light in Carradine Road and an up-grade of the lights in Church Street and Poynton Road. After consideration it was agreed that Highline Electrical should be invited to meet with the Vice Chairman and provide new quotations for consideration.

A full copy of the Minutes of the meeting can be found on the Councils web site the Clerk can be contacted at 6, Primrose Drive, Shrewsbury SY3 7TP or by email at

December 2023

The latest meeting of the Council took place on Tuesday 12th. December and as usual a range of issues were considered. These included:

Council Budget for 2024-2025:  
By careful budgeting and with the help of volunteer work it has been possible to ensure that this financial year ends well within the planned expenditure and has enabled the Council to request the same precept from Shropshire Council for next year. This means that the Parish Council element of the Council Tax should not be increased for residents living within the Shawbury Parish boundary.
The full budget can be found on the Council’s web site or can be obtained from the Parish Clerk by sending in a request accompanied by a stamped and addressed envelope.

As the Council now owns the allotment, it has submitted a planning request to allow it to erect a new substantial shed on the site of the old dilapidated one. This will enable the Council to store a range of hand tools which currently have to be kept in Councillors sheds or garages.

(b) Playing Field Fencing
t was decided that there is a need to find a suitable more permanent solution to the fencing round the playing field and it was decided to seek quotes from at least three companies early in the New Year. It was noted that a sizable grant had been offered by a local resident if the Council opted to plant trees along the boundary. Although this was a splendid suggestion it could not be accepted as the fencing needs to be substantial to prevent unwanted vehicle access on to the field.

Cars Parking:
Numerous complaints had been received about cars parking on pavements, causing problems for pedestrians, wheelchair users and people with pushchairs. The police have been advised of the problem and will be undertaking suitable action.

Tree Problem:
A report had been received from a Shropshire Council Tree Officer pointing out that a problem had been raised about three trees (two oak and one sycamore) growing at the junction of the A53 and Wytheford Road. No one seems to know when and why the trees were planted but if you have any information please contact the Parish Clerk.  It is being suggested that the sycamore needs to be removed to allow the oak trees to develop properly. However that can only be done following a properly submitted planning application.

 War Memorial:
A detailed report on the history of the Shawbury War Memorial has been completed by Ms. Natasha Leigh Willets and was offered to the Parish Council for a small payment to defray some of the cost of materials. Members were so impressed by the report that it has been purchased and donated to the Church, where it is hoped local residents can view it.

As always the full minutes of the meeting can be found on the Council web site - and the Clerk can be contacted at  Telephone 01743 236810.

October 2023

The October meeting was held in the Village Hall when the following main items were considered:

Playing Field Name:
The suggestion that the playing field could be called Queen’s Park had raised so much adverse reaction from residents that there was unanimous support from Members when the Chairman proposed that further discussion of the idea should be cancelled and plans abandoned.

Electricity Costs:
With the assistance of Shropshire Council’s Street Light Officers, it appears that the difficulties the Council has been having with Scottish Power have been resolved. The Council has joined a consortium of Councils linked to Shropshire Council, which has been able to secure a slightly

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